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Title: Basic Education and Education for All in Nigeria: The Role of Multinational Corporations
Authors: Haggai, Mary Plangnan
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Journal of Global Initiatives
Series/Report no.: Vol. 4;No. 1; Pp 95-103
Abstract: In spite of the concerted efforts made by the Nigerian government at funding the Universal Basic Education (UBE) in the country, 11 million children ofschool age are still out ofschool. To augment the funding, the paper proposes the involvement of multinational corporations. Participation in UBE is seen as a tangible Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project that will have direct impact on the host communities in such a way that will eliminate the hostilities of the host communities towards multinational corporations.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1294
Appears in Collections:Educational Foundation

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