University of Jos Institutional Repository >
Browsing by Author Ahmed, A.
Showing results 2 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2016 | Pharmacognostic, Acute Toxicity and Analgesic Studies of the Methanolic Stem Extract of Guiera Senegalensis J. F. Gmel (Combretaceae) | Olotu, P. N.; Oluto, I. A.; Kambasha, M. B.; Ahmed, A.; Ajima, U.; Ior, L.D .; David, J.; Chinda, J. G.; Onche, E. U. |
2018 | Pharmacognostic Evaluation of the Leaf of Cochlospermum Planchonii, Hook. F (Cochlospermaceae) | Olotu, P.N.; Ahmed, A.; Kunle, O.F.; Olotu, I.A.; Ajima, U. |
2017 | Pharmacognostic Studies and Antidiabetic Evaluation of the Ethanolic Root Extract of Anacardium occidentale Linn (Anacardiaceae) in Mice | Olotu, P.N.; Olotu, I.A.; Kambasha, M.B.; Ahmed, A.; Ajima, U.; Ohemu, T.L.; Ior, L.D.; Okwori, V.A.; David, J.; Abdulfattah, U.F.B.; Onche, E.U. |
Showing results 2 to 4 of 4