University of Jos Institutional Repository >
Browsing by Author Danmaigoro, A.
Showing results 6 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2013 | Histomorphometry of the Lower Respiratory System of Straw Coloured Fruit Bat (Eidolon Helvum) | Danmaigoro, A.; Onu, J.E.; Sonfada, M.L.; Umar, A.A.; Oyelowo, F.O.; Hena, S.A. |
2012 | Some comparative gross and morphometrical studies on the gastrointestinal tract in pigeon (columbia livia) and Japanese quail (coturnix japonica) | Hena, S.A.; Sonfada, M.L.; Danmaigoro, A.; Bello, A.; Umar, A.A. |
Showing results 6 to 7 of 7