University of Jos Institutional Repository >
Browsing by Author Tambiyi, Gideon Y.
Showing results 2 to 19 of 19
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2020 | Coptic Christian Involvements in Preservation Of Christianity in Africa: Lessons for Nigerian Christianity | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
Apr-2020 | Coptic Popular Religiosity: Rereading Religious Conservancy in Hellenistic Egypt | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
2019 | Devotional Moods Behind NOMINA SACRA in Judeo-Christian and Modern Thoughts | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
2019 | The Disinherited in an Inherited Context: Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited Reconsidered | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
Sep-2020 | Economic Motif in Pauline Epistles and its Implication to the Nigerian Christians and the Society | Sara, Jeremiah; Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
May-2019 | Exiling Ancient Biblical Versions: Argu Ment for the African Roots of Ancient Biblical Versions | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
Mar-2019 | Factors Militating the Development of Jos Museum and its Role in the Preservation of Historical and Religious Heritage | Tambiyi, Gideon Y.; Anuye, Steve Paul |
2021 | The Haftorah in Jewish Traditions: Studies of the Various Haftorah Readings with Reflection in the New Testament | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
2019 | The Historical Jesus and African Christianity | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
Mar-2020 | Jesus in the Old Testament: Shadows, Prophecies and Revelations | Tambiyi, Gideon Y.; Gokat, Michael Gakbe |
2017 | Jesus, the Helpless Jew: A Forgotten Portrait of Jesus in the “Third Quest” | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
2018 | The ‘Original Text’ of the New Testament: Why the Long Silence? | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
Oct-2021 | Politics and Integrity among Selected Old Testament Prophets and its Implications for Christian Leaders in Nigeria Political Space | Azomo, David Bahal; Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
2017 | Priesthood and African Christian Thoughts | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
2021 | Rest in the Book of Hebrews and its Implications on Contemporary Christianity | Aridi, Ibrahim Simon; Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
2021 | Revisiting Cyril O. Imo's Perspective on Religion, Morality and Globalization | Tambiyi, Gideon Y.; Kangpe, Nakam Nanpan |
Dec-2020 | The Tree of Life in Ancient NOK Civilization: Unmasking The Matrix of the Garden of Eden in Africa | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
Sep-2020 | Understanding Biblical Archaeology In African Context | Tambiyi, Gideon Y. |
Showing results 2 to 19 of 19