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Title: Traditional Birth Practices and Reasons for Preference of Home Delivery Among Women in Some Rural Communities of Plateau State
Authors: Envuladu, E. A.
Miner, C. A.
Osagie, I. A.
Lawan, U. M.
Shambe, I. H.
Jibrin, E. F.
Egga, A. K.
Dbal, D. J.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: CPQ Medicine
Series/Report no.: Vol.1;Iss.1: Pp 01-12
Abstract: It is difficult to imagine if Nigeria can meet up with the SDG target of global reduction of maternal mortality to 70/100,000 or the supplementary national target that no country should have an MMR greater than 140/100,000 considering the persistent high rate of home delivery. Women do not want to die during child birth, but various factors have kept them from delivering in the health facilities. This research therefore set out to assess the birth practices and the reasons for home delivery among women in Jos South LGA, Plateau state. Methodology It was a community-based cross-sectional study conducted among 253 women who have ever given birth. A household survey was conducted to interview women who gave consent using an adapted questionnaire. The findings were analysed with Epi info version 3.5.4 statistical software. Results While 9.9% had tertiary education, 39.5% had no formal education. About 48% said they were forbidden from taking certain food items such as meat and some vegetables during pregnancy for reasons that the babies will either be too big or abnormal. Home delivery was 74% while delivery by skilled attendant was 31%. Almost all the home deliveries were attended to by traditional birth attendants, mothers-in-law and relatives. Reasons for home delivery were: lack of money for hospital bills, distance to health facilities, harsh treatment from health workers and interestingly is the birth position which 57.4% prefer squatting or sitting against the lithotomy position in the health facilities. Conclusion The study revealed high rate of home delivery and pertinent factors that influence home delivery, one of which is the birth positions they are compelled to take in the health facilities against their desired positions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2207
Appears in Collections:Community Medicine

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