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Title: Comparative study of Protein enrichment of Lignocellulose Wastes using Baker’s Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) for Animal Feeds
Authors: Kutshik, J.R.
Usman, A.M.
Ali-Dunkrah, U.
Keywords: Single Cell Protein
Sugarcane bagasse
Groundnut shells
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB)
Series/Report no.: Vol. 2;No. 2; Pp 73-77
Abstract: Obtaining an economical product for food and feed for animals could solve worldwide food protein deficiency. And these can be possible through the bioconversion of fruit wastes into certain valuable products like single cell protein (SCP). However, using wastes as substrate for the production of high nutritious product may also alleviate environmental pollutant up to some extent. In this study, we attempt to use two different wastes as carbon source to see which support Saccharomyces cerevisiaefor the production of SCP more. The sugarcane bagasse and groundnut shells were used as sole carbon source for preparation of fermentation media on which Saccharomyces cerevisiae was grown. S. cerevisiaebiomass was produced by solid state fermentation.A comparative study of single cell protein produced on these fruit wastes reveals that maximum protein content was found with Saccharomyces cerevisiaeto be 9.3 mg per 2 g of substrate on groundnut shells. The present research work can helps in SCP production from inexpensive and cheap agro waste material.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2506
ISSN: 2455-264X
Appears in Collections:Biochemistry

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