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Title: Jos Journal of Theatre, Arts and Film
Authors: Idoko, Festus O.
Anyagu, Victor Anaelechi
Issue Date: Mar-2024
Publisher: Department of Theatre and Film Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos
Series/Report no.: Vol.7;No.1: Pp 1-148
Description: JOTAF:Jos Journal of Theatre,Arts and Film is a scholarly peer review journal of the Department of Theatre and Film Arts, University of Jos, Nigeria. The journal is published annually between March and September. .JOTAF aims to foster critical debates on theatre, arts and film discourses, nationally and internationally. The journal publishes original research articles and reviews on theoretical and practical perspectives that expand knowledge or discourses on Nigerian and African creations. Enquiries about the Journal should be addressed to the Editor via email. Journal Subscription per copy: Libraries and other Institutions, NGN5,500; Individuals, NGN3,500; Student, NGN3,000. Journal orders shouldbe sent to the personnel in charge of sales/marketing and payment made into bank account, Jos Journal of Theatre, Arts and Film(JOTAF) Fidelity Bank 6060308804. Manuscripts: Any article submitted for publication should demonstrate evidence of quality research and be typed in Times New Roman font style, using 12 point font size and double spaced to a maximum of 12 pages and a minimum of 10 pages excluding title page. The article should be preceded by a not more than 250 words Abstract. The approved reference style is Modern Language Association (MLA) 7th edition or American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. The article should be e-mailed to jotafuj@unijos.edu.ng.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3569
ISSN: 2645-2693
Appears in Collections:Theatre and Film Arts (Journal)

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